Thursday, 11 November 2010

Indie Publishing

It happened to the record industry and it's happening - at last - to the publishing world. The arrival of web based technology and POD means that you can get your book to the market place ON YOUR OWN! Well, with a little help from enterprising companies like Lulu and Smashwords... Yes, the marketing is down to you, and no, you probably haven't got an advertising budget that matches the big guys, but neither did those fledgling indie bands of the seventies and eighties either. Their music spoke for itself and the fans responded.

The growing popularity of eBooks gives me, as an indie publisher, great encouragement. We can keep the prices realistic. My novel, 'The Trespass' sells for $3.99 in ePub format. It can be viewed on Kindle, iPad,  iPhone and a number of other devices. It's all about giving the consumer value for money and choice. Authors and readers are waking up to the new world and the publishing industry is - rightly - worried. I had an enquiry from an author recently asking me to briefly share my experience of indie publishing. This is what I had to say...


Thanks for writing!

Someone recommended Lulu to me as an easy/cheap way to self-publish. And they are, but:

  • Make sure you are good at – or can learn quickly – how to be an expert in MS Word formatting
  • Find a brilliant designer for your cover – DON’T ask Lulu services to do it - communication is hopeless. (Lulu take note)
  • Do get the novel proofread – this is so important. If we’re flying the flag for Indie publishing we have to be totally professional. No typos! (Even if I did find a typo in a mainstream bestseller recently!)
  • Don’t be drawn into other Lulu services, apart from the distribution – they are trying to make money, (fair enough) so beware….
  • Be prepared for a hard marketing slog
I thought about Matador/Grosvenor House but the fact that Lulu is a POD service swung it for me. I don’t want the stress of having to shift 2000 copies of a novel and being depressed when the spare room is still stacked high! POD is nice and clean. Want 10 copies? No problem. Or 100? Sure!

I also like the fact that I retain control of the product at all times.

eBooks – yes, the future is here I think. I discovered a site called Smashwords which will take your (correctly formatted) file and convert it to all the eBook formats AND distribute to online outlets for you. They have a good service and respond to queries promptly. Be prepared to reformat that word document again! It took me a few goes and a lot of patience but I got there in the end.

My problem is time. Because I work full-time, marketing takes a back seat, and sales drop off pretty quickly. I have done a couple of bookstore/shopping mall promotional signings and these went well. Again, time consuming to set up and carry out, but without a major advertising campaign behind you, it’s all down to you. I’m still thinking about creative ways to promote the novels online.

Having said all this, I love writing and getting the books out there is a real buzz. When you get positive feedback it makes it all worthwhile.


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