Friday, 15 October 2010

SmashWords, Lulu and the end of trauma - or is it?

Joined the e-publishing revolution yet? Or still struggling with those reluctant agents via Royal Mail? I rather naively thought that an eBook was basically a .pdf file and that pretty much all eReading devices would be happy with that.......wrong.

There are a myriad of formatting flavours around at the moment. Even ones I haven't heard of probably. .

But hey, I discovered a fab site called SmashWords that formats your word document to make it digestible by all these different flavours of device/format.

Online Reading (JavaScript)View
Kindle (.mobi)Download
Epub (open industry format, good for Stanza reader, others)Download
PDF (good for highly formatted books, or for home printing)Download
RTF (readable on most word processors)Download
LRF (for Sony Reader)Download
Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)Download
Plain Text (download) (flexible, but lacks much formatting)Download
Plain Text (view) (viewable as web page)View

But that's not to say that I didn't have to spend a long time preparing the document for's vital that you get your word document right to begin with to guarantee good results with the target devices.

I have a lot of tips to do this, so feel free to drop me a line. My novel has now been accepted as a Premium
Status eBook, and therefore acceptable for the widest distribution.

Welcome to the eBook revolution!

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